We have often seen and felt that a lean and weak body physique makes us frustrated and shaky from inside. And today’s time this frustration and negative thoughts are born in every age group, whether it is boy, girl, woman or man.
In this article of weight gain diet and weight gain tips we diagnose the problem of thinness and weak body. And By following weight gain tips , You can create a healthy, shapely, strong and attractive body physique.
So let’s try to understand the concepts of weight gain by the Weight Gain diet article below one by one.
Table content :-
- Calculation of calories required in the Weight Gain diet to increase weight.
- What to eat to gain weight naturally and get healthy.
- Eating order and weight gain diet chart
- Weight gain powder
Calculation of calories required in the Weight Gain diet to increase weight :-
To gain weight fast first, it is important to know how many calories of food you need to eat throughout the day. Generally, women need 1500 to 1800 calories and men need 2300 to 2600 calories to complete their day’s work and body activities. To increase weight, we have to focus on extra calories intake. So let’s discuss it in detail .
If intake calories is equal to burn calories , then our weight does not increase. We have to take more food than the calories we spend in our day-to-day activities. But the question comes to mind that how many calories and for how long ?
For example, if we need a meal of 2500 calories per day and we take 3000 calories of Weight Gain diet, then we took extra 500 calories and for the next 7 days if we will take 500 calories extra every day continuously, then in a week our body weight will increase by ½ Kg. and in a month weight Will increase upto 2 to 3 Kg . We can increase it in double figure by increasing more extra calories continuously.
What to eat to gain weight naturally and get healthy :-
We have understood how much calories have to be taken in Weight Gain diet to increase weight. But now the question comes in our mind that How to gain weight naturally & How to gain weight fast ?
The answer is that , you have to eat a diet rich in Fat and excess Protein in your Weight Gain diet. Because fat increases fat in the body and protein strengthens muscles. Below we discuss about high Fat and Protein weight gain foods list which helps to increase weight quickly.
Sprouted grains such as soyabean, mung bean, alfalfa, clover, fenugreek gram, etc., contain plenty of protein. 100 grams of sprouted grains have 11 grams of protein.
To get healthy, eating milk and banana in the morning is very beneficial because 100 grams of milk contains 8.2 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat. And banana gives you energy in the form of carbohydrates for the day.
Boiled egg and egg omelette is very useful for weight gain. Try to consume at least 3 to 4 eggs in any form. Which gives you 20 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat as energy.
(D). Cheese Parantha & Butter :-
These are the best Weight gain diet to gain weight fast. 2 Cheese parathas and 1 tablespoon of butter contains 25 grams of protein and 22 grams of fat as energy.
Dry fruits such as almonds, cashews, raisins, date-dates, dates, pistachios, walnuts, manuka, peanuts, etc., have abundant to gain weight fast and body muscles.
(F). Ghee :- Eating pure desi ghee is the best way to get fat. Try that you can take Ghee made of Bufflow milk in your morning, day and night meals. Fat in buffalo milk is very good, which helps in muscles gain and weight gain.
(G). Chicken, Muttan & Fish :-
The source of most protein and fat is chicken, mutton and fish, whose intake of 100 grams gives you about 28 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat. So let us use these delicious dishes without any delay to make the body healthy.
(H). Rice :-
rice is very good source of quick weight gain .You can use different type of rice like brown rice ,Basmati rice etc. It is quickly digestive food.
Sweet and chocolate is the most popular recipe of all age groups, which helps in increasing weight and body muscles instantly.
If you take 650 ml beer or 45 ml of wine with boiled eggs, chicken, mutton, etc. once a week, then your health grow quickely. But the important thing to keep in mind is that you only have to take one of the beer or wine once with rich weight gain food.
In this way, by incorporating all these food supplements into our diet, we can curb muscels gain and weight gain in a very short time.
Proper Eating order of weight gain diet chart :-
Above, We have understood what to eat to be Gain weight. But in order to gain weight and become healthy, it is very important to get the proper order of eating the above delicious and energetic food.
In this article, we have discussed some of the energetic food which we have to take apart from our daily meals like bread, vegetables, lentils, rice etc. with morning breakfast, lunch, evening breakfast and dinner.
(a). Weight gain Breakfast diet chart :- At 7 o’clock in the morning take the sprouted grain or banana and milk in the first Weight gain diet. Then at 8:30 you can take diet of 4 boiled eggs or 4 egg egg omelets or 3 Cheese paranthas with butter.
(b). Weight Gain Lucnh diet chart :-
Take lunch between 12 and 1 o’clock in the day and eat chicken or meat made of pure desi ghee with roti or rice. If you do this regularly then you can definitely increase your weight and health by 5 to 10 kg in 1 month.
(c). Weight gain Evening snack :- If you eat sprouted grains and Cheese food item in the evening snack, no one can stop the body from being healthy.
(d). Weight gain dinner diet chart :- Eat dinner as early as possible, normally eat dinner by 8:00 pm. Eating fish and rice along with dinner is a very important part of the weight gain diet. After dinner, don’t forget to follow weight gain tips to take sweets and chocolates.
n this way, you can gain quick weight by following this High Protin and Fat Diet.
Weight gain powder :-
Weight gain powder are supplement of more protein and energy . If we take it according our body suitability then it helps us for quick weight gain. Mostly supplement powder take with water and milk.
(A). Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer Protein Powder : –

image source-.optimumnutrition.com
In this weight gain powder 1,250 calories per 2- scoop serving. And 50 grams of protein and 250 grams Carbohydrates per serving . It is available in Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla flavor.
(B). Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder :-

image source-.optimumnutrition.com
Great before or after exercise, between meals, with a meal, or any time of day where you need extra protein in your nutrition.
(C). Organic Muscle Pre Workout Powder :-
Only 20 calories per serving with no added sugars! Our premium organic formula boosts metabolism while supporting muscle recovery & growth. vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and micronutrients provide full body nourishment to help you recover faster and look and feel your best !
Friends, in this article we have discussed in detail weight gain diet & food list along with weight gain power. Hopefully, you have got full information about what you have to eat to gain weight and become healthy.
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Blog Writer :- Anil Ramola
Such a nice tips for weight gain .